Where Love Knows Your Name
by Maxie Dunnam

Dr. Rollo May, the eminent psychologist, told of a troubled student at Columbia University who was terrorized by a recurring nightmare.  “In his dream, the student, named Carl, came home from the school and rang the doorbell of his family’s home.  He was told by his mother, who answered the door, that she did not know him and that he did not belong there.  He went to his cousin’s house and there he was told the same thing.  Finally, in his dream, he walked clear across the country to his father’s house in California, but was told by his father that he did not belong there either.  The dream ended with the student disappearing into the Pacific Ocean.”

Nothing debilitates the human soul or shrinks the joy of life as when we feel we do not belong, when we are disconnected and isolated from other people, when we are deprived of intimate relationships that sustain and encourage us.[1]

The Christian Church offers a place where you can belong, where love knows your name.  I hope you have such a place.

1. Donald J. Shelby, “Where Love Knows Our Name,” May 10, 1987

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam