When the Wine Fails
John 2:1-11
by John K. Bergland

You have heard a bride say it. You have heard a new mother in the maternity ward say it. You have heard a graduating senior say it: This is the happiest day of my life.  Some days are like that; they're special.  There are great days in all of our lives.  I wonder what was your most wondrous moment? For me such days are filled with extraordinary hope and joy. For me it was the birth of my daughter because it was shared with my wife and family. [state yours].

Life involves many happy affairs the birth of a child, the gatherings of Christmas, a summer vacation.  It is often said that to love and be loved is the greatest happiness in the world.  For most of us, then, the most significant movement of hope and joy is our wedding day. It's the day we celebrate before God and all our friends the love in our life. Marriage vows are the most profound vows one can make.  No other vows are more tender, none are more sacred.  No other pledge will so radically shape and claim an individual.  The two become one.  A home is born.  A haven for family is founded.  Your place to be is created.  But, alas, in too many marriages and in so many lives the wine fails.

Abingdon Press, Abingdon Preacher's Annual, by John K. Bergland