What Weather for the Seed?
John 12:20-36
by Deborah A. Koontz

Some of you remember back to the 1940's and 1950's.  As World War II ended, America went through a period of time which many remember as ‘glory days' for the church.  Everywhere new churches were being built, others added on to. Church attendance soared, all across the land and American Christians enjoyed an unprecedented season of religious vitality. Those who chronicle such times in public life, say that as America moved beyond the aftermath of war, some of the so called ‘foxhole' conversions wore off…when the crisis was over and the world returned to normal, America again lost her religious vitality. While I think that America's trends in religious vitality or decline have many more complex factors than that……I do wonder is it true that those who turn to God in crisis tend to forget God when the sun shines bright and the weather is fair?

Glory Days, by Deborah A. Koontz