What to Give Jesus
Matthew 1:18-25
by Billy D. Strayhorn

There was a Director of Christian Education at a church who organized a Children's Christmas pageant. She let the children decide what gifts they'd give the baby Jesus in the pageant. Some wanted to give him stuffed animals. Others wanted to give him toys. One little girl named Sally had several conversations with the Director before she admitted what she wanted to give the baby Jesus. Finally the Director asked, "Sally, what do you want to give Jesus?"

"Oh, I'm too embarrassed," said Sally. "I shouldn't tell you."

"That's O.K. What is it?"

"A kiss," she said. And the night of the pageant, that is what she gave him. All the other angels brought their gifts of toys and animals. But Sally bent over the manger and gave the little baby a kiss.

A loving sigh went up from the congregation as they watched. Sally knew the secret of giving. And she gave the baby Jesus exactly what God was giving us when God gave us Jesus in the Cradle, something that matters, something that summed up God's Hopes and Dreams, something from the heart.

That's what God gave, something from the heart. God gave us Himself, when He gave us His Son.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., From the Pulpit, by Billy D. Strayhorn