What Kind of Egg Are You?
by Maxie Dunnam

He’s a bag egg!  How often have you heard that expression?  It has something to say to us.

Will you use your imagination with me for a moment?  Imagine a bird’s nest in a tree with some beautiful blue eggs in it.  Now imagine talking to those eggs and trying to communicate a new vision to them.  Now don’t think I’m silly.  Use your imagination.  You say to those eggs, “Someday you’re going to fly.  You’re going to have wings and soar to the heavens.”

With the warmth of the parent birds, there is a change in that egg -- day after day -- until a little bird is hatched.  It can’t fly yet, but you can now see the beginnings of wings.  As C. S. Lewis says, “We’re all like eggs at present.  And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary decent egg.  You must be hatched or go bad.”

If we don’t become what God intends us to be, if we resist God’s intention and purpose, we become bad eggs and go rotten inside.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam