What Jesus Saw
Mark 12:38-44
by King Duncan

Jon Krakauer is a mountaineer and the author of the best-selling book Into Thin Air. The book is about his 1996 expedition to Mt. Everest in which numerous climbers died in a blizzard. Krakauer was not prepared for the deadly blizzard. He didn’t know it was coming. He stood on top of Mt. Everest and just saw some cloud formations and thought nothing was wrong.

Later he met another climber who had returned quickly to base camp when he saw those same cloud formations. He had hustled back down the mountain. Why? This man was a pilot. In his years flying over dangerous storms, he had come to recognize thunderhead cloud formations. He had studied them from high overhead. These are a sure sign of dangerous weather. So when he was down below a thunderhead, he recognized it instantly and turned around and headed for safety. (1) If you’re a mountain climber, it pays to know the weather conditions that may affect your journey.

Just as that pilot was a keen observer of the weather, Jesus was a keen observer of human nature. In today’s lesson he is in the Temple. As he taught the crowds that came to the temple for worship and instruction in the faith, he observed two groups of people. First of all, there were the teachers of the law. Jesus wasn’t very impressed by them. Listen as Mark describes the scene:

As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”

Those were harsh words. These were the most religious people in the community and Jesus judges them quite severely. It is clear that these holy men weren’t as holy as they wanted people to think they were.  Of course, that is not unusual as it may seem. There are people who try to “fake it until they make it” in every profession.

Recently I read a humorous story about a man in the sports world—a moderately talented soccer player—who attempted to pull off such a charade.

In his newsletter Now I Know!, Dan Lewis tells the story of Carlos Kaiser. Carlos was born in 1963 in Brazil, a country that is known for its superb soccer teams. Carlos was a naturally athletic young man, and at age 16 he joined a professional team. Sadly, he was cut from the team not long afterwards. In spite of his athletic abilities, Carlos’ soccer skills simply weren’t at a professional level.

But that wasn’t the end of Carlos’ professional soccer career. If this were a Hollywood movie, Carlos would begin a punishing workout of soccer drills every day, change his diet and his mindset, and he would soon become the most formidable soccer player in all of Brazil. The movie would fade out with Carlos being hoisted on his teammates’ shoulders after he kicks the winning goal in the World Cup. That’s how Hollywood would do it. But that’s not how Carlos Kaiser did it.

He decided to con his way onto as many professional soccer teams as possible. Whenever coaches were looking for a few extra players, Carlos would apply. After all, he looked like an athlete. His friends all claimed he was a great athlete. They just didn’t claim that he was a great soccer player.

So Carlos would get a short-term contract with a professional team. Then he would claim that he needed at least a month to get in peak physical condition before he could go out on the field. During that month, he would collect a paycheck without actually playing much soccer. When he finally did get called out to play on the field, Carlos would suffer an alleged “injury” very quickly in the game—a pulled muscle was hard to disprove back in the 1970s and early ’80s. So he would need one month to six weeks to recover from his injury before he could play.

But while he was on the bench (and still receiving a paycheck), Carlos would bribe local reporters to write news stories about his amazing athleticism and soccer skills. Fans demanded to see him play. Teams would compete to offer him a better contract. All told, Carlos Kaiser had paid contracts with ten different professional soccer teams without ever having to play a full game of soccer.

Here’s what to me is hilarious: Carlos’ con almost got exposed in the late ’80s when he played for the Bangu soccer team. The owner, Castor de Andrade, demanded that his coach put Carlos into a game. Carlos had to think quickly. He ran over to the opposing team’s stands and started a fight with a fan who was heckling his team. The referees threw Carlos out of the game for fighting. To escape the wrath of Castor, the team’s owner, Carlos claimed that the heckling fan had insulted his boss’ honor. Castor was so pleased that Carlos defended him that he gave him a 6-month extension on his contract. (2) 

Some people have a talent for running a con. Jesus had a talent for recognizing people who are running a con. After all, he could examine people’s hearts. He could see what they really were on the inside. And that’s what Jesus saw when he looked at the religious leaders of his time.

The teachers of the law were the most respected members of their communities. They had spent years studying and memorizing religious law. They were the ultimate religious authorities in their society. They expected praise and honor for their spiritual leadership. They expected to be applauded for their faith. But Jesus was not at all impressed by their posturing. He knew it’s not wise to judge by outward appearances. Sometimes things are not as they appear.

Every year, the American Institute of Architects has an awards program that recognizes some of the best buildings in the nation. In 1976, they chose the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri, to receive one of the highest awards. In 1979, the American Institute of Architects held their annual conference in Kansas City, and they offered tours of the Kemper Arena to their attendees. Everyone was very impressed with this massive structure.

The day after the architects’ tour, a major storm swept through Kansas City and destroyed the roof of the Kemper Arena. A later investigation showed that the roof bolts weren’t strong enough to support the massive roof. So as soon as the guest architects left town, the roof fell in quite literally on the Kemper Arena, which now goes by the name, Hy-Vee Arena. (3)

Jesus aggravated the religious leaders of his day because he wasn’t impressed by outward appearances. Jesus was repulsed by people who made a show of their religion.

They expected to be rewarded for their piety. They expected to be first in line. They expected to get the best seats in the house. And all that praise and prestige went to their heads. Even worse, some of them abused their position of spiritual leadership to manipulate their followers into giving more money than they could afford. Notice that phrase about “devouring widows' houses.” One source explains it like this:

“In speaking of the scribes ‘devouring widows' houses,’ Jesus was condemning the greedy, predatory way in which the scribes and other members of the religious establishment would not hesitate to mercilessly drive people into poverty (while enriching themselves) through their demands for offerings or payments in the name of religion (even if those payments would include the seizure of a widow's estate, leaving her with no means of support or no place to live).

“Despite this deliberate cruelty, the scribes would then put on a visible appearance of being very religious by saying lengthy prayers in public, and otherwise displaying their supposed piety in places where other people would see them do so (and praise them for it), while also enjoying all the tangible benefits that came with their status as members of the religious hierarchy (such as the seats of honor at religious feasts, or in the synagogue during worship). Jesus said that their punishment in eternity would be all the greater because of their hypocrisy.” (4)

And that brings us to the second thing Jesus saw that day: he saw a poor widow. Listen to the words of Mark’s Gospel once again:     

“Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

“Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.’”

Widows in Jesus’ day were uniquely vulnerable. The only social safety net they had was the synagogue and their extended family. If others did not help them, they would be hungry or homeless. And yet, in spite of her low status and her poverty, she gave all her money—all she had to live on—to the temple treasury. She didn’t draw attention to her sacrifice. She didn’t do it to impress anyone. If it hadn’t been for Jesus, no one would have known how great a sacrifice she made. Why did she do it? Because she trusted God’s character and she obeyed God’s commands. Because loving God is its own reward. And the greater we love God, the more we are willing to sacrifice to follow Him. This widow reminds me of another woman who was totally devoted to God.

Corrie ten Boom worked in her father’s watch-making business in the Netherlands and led a youth group for teenage girls. She instructed them in the Christian faith and held classes in the performing arts and sewing. Her family had a comfortable life until the Nazis invaded the Netherlands in 1940. As Nazi soldiers began gathering up Jewish citizens for deportation to concentration camps, Corrie and her family made a costly decision: to save as many Jewish citizens as possible.

They constructed a secret room behind a closet in their house. In this room, they hid Jewish citizens who were at risk of capture by the Nazis. They also joined the Dutch Resistance movement that smuggled as many Jews as possible out of the Netherlands and to safer countries. It is estimated that the ten Boom family smuggled 800 Jewish people out of the Netherlands. Sadly, someone in their town reported them to the Nazis, and all the members of the ten Boom family were sent to concentration camps.

Corrie and her sister, Betsie, were sent to the brutal Ravensbrück concentration camp. Like the other prisoners, they were stripped of their clothes and beaten. They were fed just enough food to keep from starving to death. They lived in constant threat of death. Instead of cowering in despair, Corrie and Betsie held worship services among the women in the camp. They refused to give up their faith in a good God, even when their faith and good works had brought them to this brutal concentration camp.

In December 1944, Betsie died at Ravensbrück. Corrie was released twelve days later. A few days after Corrie’s release all the women of her age group at Ravensbrück were sent to the gas chambers. Rodney L. Holman, author of a commentary on the Book of Mark, suggests we take a moment and see Corrie ten Boom the way Jesus saw her. To the outside world, she was a middle-aged woman now. She was emaciated from lack of food. Dirty from lack of hygiene in the camps. Bruised and battered by the guards. She was poor and vulnerable because the guards had taken everything from her. But in Jesus’ eyes, she was worthy of praise. She had given everything she had to honor the Lord. Just like her Savior.

After Corrie’s release from the concentration camp, she returned to the Netherlands and opened a rehabilitation center for victims of the concentration camps. She wrote books about her family’s experiences in the war and traveled all over the world sharing her faith in Jesus Christ. One of her more famous quotes is, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” (5)

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” That was the widow’s secret. That is the essence of faith. Faith is not an outward show of piety but an inner trust that God will provide you with everything you need. The widow in the temple had that kind of trust in God and gave her all to God. The religious leaders, for all their feigned piety and theological training, didn’t have a clue about the real meaning of faith. And Jesus said that one day they would regret their hypocrisy.

The religious leaders put on a show for the people who were under their care. The poor widow had only an audience of one—but that audience of one was more important than all the people packed in all the religious temples of the world combined . . . for his name was . . .

1. Jon Krakauer, Into Thin Air (New York: Villard, 1997), pp. 185-186. Rev. J.C. Austin (http://www.mapc.com/html/07_sermons/sermondisplay.asp?sermonDate=8/15/2004&sermonTime=100#).

2. “The Greatest Soccer Player Who Never Was” by Dan Lewis, Now I Know! October, 15, 2020.         

3. Leland Gregory, Stupid History Tales of Stupidity, Strangeness, and Mythconceptions Throughout the Ages (Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, 2007), p. 91.

4. Rodney L. Cooper, Holman New Testament Commentary - Mark: 2 (Kindle Edition).

5. “Corrie ten Boom,” Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corrie_ten_Boom


ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., Dynamic Preaching Fourth Quarter Sermons, by King Duncan