What if Jesus Were Really Boss?
Acts 2:1-21
by Donald B. Strobe

Some years ago Charles Sheldon wrote a book titled, In His Steps. In that book he told about the revolution which occurred in the lives of a church and a congregation when the people decide to put every moral issue to the test of one question—"What would Jesus do?". Perhaps his book was a bit naive. We are not always sure of what Jesus would do in every situation. Many of the moral issues which we must face as we come to the end of the Twentieth century were never part of His First-century world. Perhaps a better form of the question is: "Given what I know of the mind and spirit of Jesus Christ, what would Christ have me do?" I am confident that a revolution would follow if we were to ever really take that question seriously. But that is what we mean when we confess our faith that "Jesus Christ is Lord." "Lord," in the vernacular, means "Boss." What if Jesus Christ really were Boss around here?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Works, by Donald B. Strobe