What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?
John 3:1-17
by Edward F. Markquart

So…what does it mean to be born again? What does it mean to be born anew? What is God's lesson for us in the Gospel story for today?

Well, far too often in life, we have drifted away from God. In our relationship with God, we are going through the motions without the inner motivation.

You can be a person who is fifteen or twenty-five or thirty-five or forty-five or fifty-five or sixty-five or seventy-five and eighty-five and you have drifted away from God. Things aren't quite right. The Nicodemus' in this room do not have to be older or more than sixty-five. Nicodemus' can be fifteen or twenty-five or thirty-five.

You start to have the habits of faith without the heart of faith. You have structures without the Spirit. You are going through the rituals but you don't have the real thing. You are going through the patterns of faith but you no longer have the power of faith.

And if you have ever come to that time in your life, when things aren't quite right, when your religion has become more of a ritual than a real thing, when it is more of a pattern than power, when it is more structure than Spirit, we then need to come to Jesus' home, rap on his door and say, "Jesus, I need some help. I've got a problem … here… in my heart. It is not quite right."

And Jesus will say to you and me, "Come right in. Sit down for a while. Let's talk. And Jesus has this uncanny ability to look deeply into your heart and mine and he says, "You need to be born again, to be born anew, to be born from above, to experience a rebirth of God's love in your heart. You need to be born of the water and the Spirit.

Born Again, by Edward F. Markquart