What Do You Know about God?
John 16:5-16
by King Duncan

Kay Strom was teaching third grade in a large elementary school. One morning all of the teachers were called to the teachers' room for an emergency meeting, and they hurried over, leaving their classes unsupervised. Everyone was worried, but none as much as Mrs. Whiting, because her class of first graders was especially mischievous and unruly.

When they got to the teachers' room, Mrs. Whiting said, "I think I had better listen in and find out what's going on in my classroom." She turned on the intercom, and sure enough, her room was in chaos. Children were yelling and jumping and throwing things. But one little voice shrieked out above all the rest of the uproar.

Mrs. Whiting recognized that piercing voice. She picked up the microphone and in her sternest voice said, "Elizabeth, sit down!"

Immediately the room fell silent.

After a few seconds, a small humble voice answered meekly, "Okay, God."

The teachers knew all about intercoms and microphones, but little Elizabeth, from her perspective, could think of only one explanation for a voice coming from nowhere and admonishing her by name.

What do you know about God? Certainly you're more sophisticated than Elizabeth. But what do you really know about God?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan