What Are You Doing?
Luke 16:19-31
by Edward F. Markquart

In 1905, we received a classic interpretation of this parable in the person of Dr. Albert Schweitzer. The truth of the parable finally penetrated his heart and Dr. Schweitzer wrote the following words: "We British (and Americans) are the rich people. Out there in Africa lies wretched Lazarus. Just as the rich man sinned against Lazarus because of his lack of heart and compassion, so the rich man would not put himself in Lazarus' place. Nor did the rich man let his conscience tell him what to do. And so we English (and Americans) have sinned against the poorest of the world at our gates."

And what did Dr. Albert Schweitzer do? He gave up his life and went to Africa. But that was over 100 years ago. The question is for you and me. "What did I do for Lazarus? What are you doing for Lazarus?" Are you and me merely brushing off the crumbs from our table?

What Are You Doing for Lazarus?, by Edward F. Markquart