What About Me?
Mark 8:31-38
by Billy D. Strayhorn

According to a story in Guideposts, Arthur Gordon visited a kindergarten class where the teacher frequently reminded misbehaving children to stop being a WAM. The kids straightened up as soon as their teacher pointed out they were being a WAM.

What was a WAM? Why was being a WAM so bad? The teacher explained that WAM stands for "What About Me?" She was training the children to be less self-centered. She wanted them to think of others' needs, not just their own. So, she taught them that no one liked a WAM, a self-centered person who only asked, "What About Me?"

Instead, this teacher was teaching the children to be a WAY, or as she explained it, people who ask, "What About You?"

You and I are people of the Way. We ask "What About You?" Oh, occasionally we forget who we really are. We get lost and Lose Our Spiritual Toehold and become a WAM. But for the most part we are people of the WAY.

At Cross Purposes, by Billy D. Strayhorn