What’s the Gimmick?
by Peter Marty

For years St. Anthony's Catholic Church in San Francisco has served meals to people in need. Over the doorway to its dining room the church has posted a sign bearing the inscription: Caritate Dei. One day a young mechanic, just released from jail and new to St. Anthony's, entered the door and sat down for a meal. A woman was busy cleaning the adjoining table. "When do we get on our knees and do the chores, lady?" he asked.

"You don't," she replied. "Then when's the sermon comin'?" he inquired.

"Aren't any," she said. "How `bout the lecture on life, huh?"

"Not here," she said.

The man was suspicious. "Then what's the gimmick?" The woman pointed to the inscription over the door. He squinted at the sign. "What's it mean, lady?"

"Out of love for God," she said with a smile, and moved on to another table.

Check out the inscription over your next door in life. If it has to do with genuine love for God, you won't go wrong.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., The Door to Abundant Life, by Peter Marty