We Help Each Other
by Calvin Miller

When Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Everest, when he was at the summit in 1953, he had a partner in his success.  He had climbed the mountain all the way to the top, the first man ever to do that. The thing that surprised me about the whole story was not that Edmund Hillary climbed the mountain, but that he had a companion who climbed the mountain with him. Nobody ever hears his name. His name was Tenzing Norgay. On the way back down the mountain, Hillary fell and was almost lost. He would have fallen to his death without Norgay. He pulled him back up the cable and saved his life and Edmund Hillary lived to tell a great story because of the unknoen Norgay. When someone asked Norgay why he didn't make more of it, why he didn't brag about it, he said, "We mountain climbers help each other."

What a great model this is. We Christians have no need to be well known heroes. It is time we touched people and say very simply, "We Christians help each other. That's who we are."

Moving From Entertainment to Servanthood, by Calvin Miller