We Go Up to Jerusalem
Matthew 20:18
by Jon L. Joyce

Here is a living example of fearlessness, of unwavering loyalty, and of determination to finish a task. At Jerusalem an ugly cross was waiting to inflict its cruel anguish upon Christ. Yet without flinching or hesitation he set his jaw and started for the city. Here was discipline of the first order, and an example to every follower of Christ.

Discipline is not popular today. The discipline of the armed forces is being eroded. Children are not to be warped by domination and so permissiveness runs full sway. "I want to be free." "I want to do my thing." These are the cries of many who are rebelling against the growth of character and talent that can come only when we bring ourselves under control. Ministering to this lack of discipline is the modern advertising that heralds "six easy lessons" to learn a foreign tongue or master a musical instrument. A book on camping was entitled "Roughing It Smoothly." That is the motto of modern life. But the worthwhile things come only at the cost of self-indulgence. The discipline of Christ calls on us to deny ourselves and take up our cross. And he made himself the great example. Only by a cross could God’s plan of salvation be fulfified. Other places beckoned; they offered him a crown, not a cross. But Christ went up to Jerusalem. Do we follow in his train?

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, His Hands, by Jon L. Joyce