Ways to Handle Your Anger
Ephesians 4:26
by Maxie Dunnam

There is nothing wrong with anger -- it’s what you do with anger that gets you in trouble.

Jerry Rubin wrote a little book titled The Angry Book.  In it he says there are some common unhealthy ways to handle anger.  You can freeze it -- but watch out when it thaws.  You can gunny-sack it (like when we used to go frog-hunting, but watch it when the gunny sack gets full!).  You can postpone it -- but you pay an exorbitant rate of interest and tax and still have to deal with it.  You can sublimate it (try to act like a saint who does not feel anger) and buy a lot of tranquilizers.

These wrong ways to handle anger will leave the real issue unsettled.  The New Testament is right in admonishing us, “Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath.”  To express anger in the context of caring and acceptance can be redemptive in a relationship.  So remember, there is nothing wrong with anger.  It’s what you do with anger that gets you in trouble.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam