Waiting until Harvest Time
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
by Thomas Lane Butts

When Dr. Harold Bosley was pastor of Christ Church in New York City, he preached a sermon entitled, "Shall We Be Patient with Evil?" He pointed out how during the Civil War everything was crystal clear on both sides, if you could judge by what was being said. He then told of an experience he had while visiting a museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where there is a huge painting of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. In front of him was a mother with two small sons who were asking questions.

"Who were the good guys and who were the bad guys?" one of the boys asked.

The mother replied softly, "It is hard to tell." The child asked why they were trying to kill each other. The mother patiently tried to explain about slavery and the other issues.

"Did they have to fight?" the lad asked.

Her answer was classic. "They thought so," she said.

Dr. Bosley pointed out: "There was in that reply the gentleness distilled in the interval of a hundred years."

Socrates once observed: "He who takes only a few things into account finds it easy to pronounce judgment." Be patient! Wait until harvest time.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Problems Beyond Our Power to Fix, by Thomas Lane Butts