Waiting Is an Opportunity
Mark 13:24-37
by Keith Wagner

It's the season of waiting in lines, waiting for packages to come in the mail, waiting for children to give you their Christmas lists, waiting in line to have your picture taken with Santa, waiting for your Christmas bonus check, waiting in traffic, waiting for a parking space, waiting, waiting, waiting.

One thing we don't do very well in our society is wait. We get impatient. We get nervous and some even get angry. That's because we see waiting as wasted time. It's boring to sit and wait. It's "down" time or "dead" time. We equate waiting time with being non-productive.

Waiting does not have to be seen as a bad thing. Waiting is an opportunity to reflect or meditate. Nor do we have to fill our idle time with things to do. The more time we spend working the less time we have to spend with our families or attending to our souls. Our society has become so production focused that we have lost sight of the fact that we need time to think, relax or just wonder.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Are You Ready?, by Keith Wagner