Understanding Grace
John 3:1-17
by Maxie Dunnam

A fifteen-year-old girl went to a youth conference in Oklahoma. She was short and a bit overweight. She was not too attractive, and she had been crippled from birth. When a dance was held one night at the conference, she simply put her crutches by a chair nearby, sat down in another chair and spent the evening watching the others dance. All the time smiling, but who knows the pain that was going on inside.

My friend, Norman Neaves, who tells the story says, "The music was the kind that peals the skin off your face and overloads the auditory nerve, and the floor was full of teenagers moving with the rhythm." Then a very special thing happened. In the middle of the dance program that evening, a slow number was played by the band, and a tall 16-year-old boy went over to this girl, held out his hand and said to her, "Please, would you dance with me?" She looked up with unbelieving surprise, and with a smile quivering on her face, she said, "Yes." Together they began dancing. The young man held her tightly, and she held on to him tightly, lest she stumble and fall. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

"Later that evening, one of the leaders went to the young man and told him how special he thought it was for him to do this, and how much he admired him. And he said, "As the two of you were dancing, I noticed that she whispered something in your ear. Do you mind if I ask what it was?"

And the teenager said, "You're not going to believe this, but she said that this was the first time that anyone had ever asked her to dance in her whole life." (Norman Neaves, quoted by Donald Shelby, "Eureka".

That's a picture of grace. All grace.

Can you imagine how that young woman felt? Unattractive, crippled, never having been asked to dance. And then came Prince Charming and it happened. Can you imagine how she felt? If so, then you are beginning to understand grace.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam