Unconventional Mother’s Day Gifts
2 Timothy 1:5

This Mother's Day take a moment to think of all the mothers in the world who are in need.  There are millions of women in the world living on less than a dollar a day.  There are women in this country who are wondering how they are going to feed or diaper their children from day to day.  There are children who need medical attention that their parents may not be able to afford.  Anyone who has ever had to worry about such things can deeply sympathize.  For those of us who have escaped such worries, we can only imagine the level of instinctive stress that uncertainty can provoke.

There are many ways to celebrate Mother's Day, but here are a few unconventional suggestions that will prove to your own mother that she did a good job raising you.  How about dropping off a box of diapers and/or a case of formula to a local food bank or women's shelter?  If you have some baby furniture or clothing that your own children have outgrown, how about donating that stuff to a local charity?  Does our local hospital have a fund for children who need care?  Are there doctors in our community or city who volunteer in clinics overseas who might need supplies?  There are countless ways to help support Moms locally and globally.  Let your own Mom know that you were thinking about her and all of the many things she provided for you along the way…and that you did a good deed in honor of her.  It will make her proud.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations