Object: Bring a really nice new toy - one that the children would really like to have. (doll, truck, game, etc.)
Lesson: You are blessed by God above all other women, and your child is blessed.
(Show your toy.) Say: I went shopping yesterday and looked and looked. Finally I found this _______. I thought it was the very best toy I could buy. I brought it home and showed my family. They were impressed also. We all thought it would be a superb gift for (name someone that you would give it to.) After dinner last evening (name one of your friends) came over. You'll never guess what he/she had. It was a bigger, better, prettier model of (hold your toy up) this. (Describe details of how the other one was better.) How do you think I felt? How would you feel? Maybe a little jealous? There is a story in the Bible about this very type of thing. Elizabeth was very old and had no child. Finally, after many years, God sent her a very special son. He told her to name him John. He would announce the coming Messiah. I can just imagine how excited Elizabeth was! Not only to finally have a baby boy, but one sent from God with a special job to do. She must have felt very blest. One day her cousin, Mary, came to visit her. As soon as Elizabeth saw Mary, the baby inside of her jumped for joy. Elizabeth felt God's Spirit in her and instantly knew that Mary's baby would be the Messiah. Mary's baby was even more important than her own. How do you think she felt? Well, she was not jealous at all. She started praising God saying how blessed Mary was! We can learn a very important lesson from Elizabeth. When we already have what we need, we should be happy for others when they have what appears to be better. That isn't always easy to do, but God will always help us to do the right thing.
Prayer: Thank you for the story of Elizabeth to teach us to rejoice with others. Help us to always remember how much you love each of us. Amen.