Two Kinds of People in This World
Mark 1: 21-28

The British journalist and Christian apologist G. K. Chesterton once said that there are two kinds of people in the world: When trees are waving wildly in the wind, one group thinks it's the wind that moves the trees. This is the customary and ancient view of things. The invisible is behind the scenes giving energy to the visible. But more and more we hear of a new breed that thinks the wind is nothing but the product of the movement of the trees themselves. As if trees can fan the air and drive the wind!

As silly as it sounds, that's just the sort of thing we hear even in the church these days. You've got to believe in yourself! If there is any hope it has to come from within. You have to look inside and make the necessary changes. Tell that to the man in Capernaum with the unclean spirit.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations