Truth Tellers
Matthew 5:21-26
by Steven Molin

For generations, the Quakers refused to follow the legal system’s requirement that witnesses in court must place their hand upon a bible and “swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” They were criticized, and ridiculed and in some cases, incarcerated for their refusal to take an oath. But because they gained the reputation of being honest people, they are, in some courts, no longer required to swear on the bible. They are known as truth-tellers.

Perhaps the old joke that we have told for generations is not just funny but also true. Lena says to her husband “Ole, why don’t you tell me you love me anymore?” And Ole replies “I told you fifty years ago that I loved you, and if that ever changes, I’ll let you know.” Even Ole was a truth-teller.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc. , The Power of a Promise , by Steven Molin