Tradition Must Leave Room for Revelation
Luke 20:27-38; 2 Thessalonians 2:15
by Johnny Dean

The apostle Paul, in his letter of encouragement to the struggling young church at Thessalonica, wrote, "Stand firm and hold fast to the traditions we taught you, either by word of mouth or by our letters" (2 Thessalonians 2:15). Tradition is important. But tradition has to leave room for revelation, because the Spirit blows where it wills, right? That has always been a problem in the church, from day one to this day. We don't seem to want to leave any room for revelation when we're talking about tradition.

A well-known theologian has commented, "Any church that is alive lives on the edge of heresy," meaning that its members won't refuse new ideas or new programs or new challenges simply because there are those in the church who say, "WE NEVER DID IT THAT WAY BEFORE!" and want these to be the final words on the subject matter. These have been called "the seven last words of the church," and in many cases they have been.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Johnny Dean