Totally Awesome!
John 20:1-18
by James W. Moore

In "Growing Deep In The Christian Life," Chuck Swindoll tells about a Sunday school kindergarten teacher who was trying to determine how much religious training her new students had. She found one five-year-old boy who knew absolutely nothing about the story of Jesus. She began by relating to him the death of Jesus on the cross. When he asked her what a cross was, she picked up some sticks and, fashioning a crude cross, she told him that Jesus had been nailed to a cross and had died.

The little boy, with eyes downcast, quietly said, "Oh, that's too bad!" But then the teacher quickly related that Christ rose again and came back to life. Hearing that, the little boy's eyes got as big as saucers. His face lit up, and he exclaimed, "Totally awesome!"

Well, it is totally awesome, when you stop to think about it. The place of the skull has become a throne. Evil had its best chance to defeat God and couldn't do it. The victory is God's, and God wants to share the victory with us. God is on both sides of the grave, and nothing—not even death--can separate us from God and God's love.

Dimensions, Some Things Are Too Good Not To Be True, by James W. Moore