by John H. Krahn

Once when talking about God with a banker, he told me that he had enough religion. More would be too much. I asked him whether he could foresee a time when his bank might make too much money. He could not imagine such a circumstance. Likewise, I said, I do not see how one could have too much of God and his love.

Happiness is everyone’s goal. It is also God’s wish for our lives. The closer we are to him, the happier we are. The Bible says that joy and peace and happiness come from being very close to God and trusting in him.

Suppose my young daughter came to me and said, "Daddy, I love you and will do anything you want me to." To which I reply, "Lisa, get rid of all your toys, no more friends, stay in your room, and very soon you will be the unhappiest child on Long Island." How ridiculous! If she came trusting me with her life, I would try even harder to give enhancing direction to it. God is no different. When we give ourselves completely to him, we come away the better for it.

So tomorrow when we rise from the horizontal to the vertical, let’s begin the day talking it over with the Lord. As we meet family and associates, we would do well to try to capture God’s vision of them: precious people, worthy of a Son’s death. And when the problems come, may we realize we can bear great and heavy burdens if we do not try to carry them alone. Then retiring at night, we talk the day over with the Lord and fall asleep realizing that each dawn brings a new beginning.

Too much religion? Not possible!

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn