Today Is All We Have
Matthew 6:34
by Maxie Dunnam

The talented motion picture director Peter Bogdanovich is well known for what are called “nostalgic” movies.  When he made “The Last Picture Show” and “Paper Moon,” someone asked him why he is attracted so much by the past.

Mr. Bogdanovich said, “I like any time better than now.  I just don’t like what’s happening today.  The music bores me, the cars are ugly, the people are droll.  So I retreat to the past.”

I know a lot of people who feel that way -- anytime is better than now, so they retreat to the past or they lose themselves in dreams of the future. The truth is the past is gone and can never be retrieved or re-lived.  The future is not yet, and we will have it not by grasping or dreaming of it, but only as it comes to us as a gift.

Today is all we have
Today is all we need,
And today is all we can handle.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam