Time for Bifocals
Mark 10:46-52
by Keith Wagner

Several years ago I had an appointment with my Eye Doctor and he informed me that I needed bifocals. "What?" I anxiously asked, "My eyes can't be that bad." It was a rude awakening for me since my eyes had deteriorated with age. Admitting this to myself was not easy. I have worn glasses all my life but to wear lenses with little boxes in them didn't appeal to me at all.

But then I learned of something called, "no-line" bifocals. That meant you couldn't see lines in my glasses and no one would know the difference. Also, my new glasses are designed to let me read, see close and see far. Instead of bifocals I now have trifocals and fortunately I am still able to have lenses with no lines.

At first I was unwilling to hear the news that my eyes had gotten progressively worse. A few tests enabled me to "see" that it was definitely time for a lens change. This is a story about the need for changing lenses and how seeing in a new way affects our lives.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Bifocals to Trifocals , by Keith Wagner