Till Death Do Us Part?
by Frank S. Mead

Many are aware of former president Jimmy Carter’s commitment to marriage. He is reported to have sent a memo to his aides suggesting that any who were “living in sin” should become formally attached. Even he, however, had some fun with the wedding vows.

When his former speech writer, Rick Hertzberg, married Michele Slung, Mr. Carter edited the vows in the marriage service as if it were a speech Hertzberg had written. For example, Carter circled, “till death do us part” and wrote, “Too morbid--do you want to alienate every sick person in America?” When he got to, “I, Rick, take you, Michele, to be my lawful wedded wife,” the former President deleted “wife” and inserted “partner,” warning, “Do not use sexist expressions.” Next to, “For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,” Carter wrote, “polarizing--how about the middle ground?”   

President Carter was using tongue-in-cheek humor, of course, but there is no doubt that marriage has taken a beating in our society the past few decades. One young adult put it this way: “A wedding is a funeral where you smell your own flowers.”
Tarbell’s Teacher’s Guide, by Frank S. Mead