Tigers in the Dark
John 9:1-41
by Keith Wagner

One night at a circus the tent was packed with thousands of people. It was time for the tiger trainer to come out and perform. He bowed to the audience then went inside the cage. A hush drifted over the audience as the door was locked behind him. The trainer skillfully put the tigers through their paces. Suddenly there was a huge pop, followed by a complete blackout of power. For several long minutes the trainer was trapped in the cage with the tigers in total darkness. The trainer knew the tigers could see him with their powerful vision, but he could not see them. All he had was a whip and small chair as a means of protection.

Finally, the lights came back on, and the trainer finished his performance. Everyone was amazed that he wasn't attacked and feared for him in the darkness. After his performance the trainer was interviewed by a local television reporter. He admitted how scared he was. But during the blackout he realized that the tigers did not know that he could not see them. He just kept cracking his whip and talked to them until the lights came back on.

There are times when all of us are confronted with tigers in the dark and we lose trust. We don't trust the government. Some don't trust the Church. We lose trust in relationships, in spouses, even our children.

When the lights go out and darkness prevails trust that God's got the tigers under control.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., God Is With Us, by Keith Wagner