Three Measures of Flour
Matt 13:33
by Charles Hoffacker

"The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened."

Three measures of flour! Do you know how much that is? It's between forty and sixty pounds! This woman is not Martha Stewart whipping up a couple delicate exquisite little biscuits that together weigh less than a canary. No, no. This woman is a baker!

She's emptying sixteen five-pound bags of flour into the biggest mixing bowl you've ever seen. She's pouring in forty-two cups of water! She's got a mass of dough on her hands that weighs over a hundred pounds! Kneading this lump of dough, shaping it, pounding it. It looks like some scene at the end of a professional wrestling match. Here we have a no-nonsense operation. Sports fans, this is baking at its best. A woman, with her apron dusted with flour, her ten fingers deep into the dough she's a combination of Julia Child and Hulk Hogan.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., The Work of the Baker Woman , by Charles Hoffacker