Three In One
John 16:12-15
by Dave Zuchelli

One of the most difficult ideas in the Christian faith is the concept that God is three persons in one being. We call that triad the Trinity. The actual term, Trinity is not in scripture, but the idea is all over the place. It began in Genesis when the Spirit of God hovered over the waters (v. 3) and God said, “Let us make mankind in our image…” (v. 26) It stretched through to Revelation 22 where we see the “throne of God and of the Lamb” (v. 1) and the “Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come’” (v. 17). The “Lamb,” of course, is Jesus; and he shares the throne with his Father.

Many non-Christians (as well as a few Christians) have a difficult time with the idea of the Trinity. When the church first burst onto the scene, many people (particularly the Jews) in the surrounding cultures believed these Christ-followers to be polytheists, believing in three gods, not merely one. Today we have the “Jesus only” folks as well as those who believe that the Trinity is merely God manifesting himself in different ways.

At best, the Trinity is a difficult concept. We try to explain it through various means. We use metaphors such as the egg (yolk, white, and shell=one egg), the human being (I can be a father, a son, and a brother but still one human being), or water (ice, steam, and liquid — all H20). No explanation is perfect. No example covers it all. We just keep plugging away and do the best we can to explain the unexplainable. The Catholic Church has simply referred to it as the “mystery of the Trinity.”

The church fathers did their best to describe what they were seeing in scripture. The concept of the Trinity is certainly there. The question was always, “How do we believe in one God and still hold all three entities together?” The Bible is clear in that there is a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. Jesus, in fact, told us before he left that we should make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So the church has done its level best over the years to recognize three Persons in one God — now known as the Godhead.

The apostle Paul probably did as much to help us grasp the fact that there are three persons in one God as anyone. Throughout his epistles to the church, he made references such as the one in Galatians 4:6 where he said, “God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” His benediction in 2 Corinthians 13:14 stood out as another example of the Trinitarian understanding: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

In our passage for today, John recorded the words of Jesus as he was preparing to die. He had one final meeting with the twelve. At one point in the conversation, Jesus seemed to wrap it up and said, “Come now; let us leave” (John 14:31). They didn’t leave, however, and he went on to speak and pray for what we now identify as three more chapters.

I can remember times as a child when my parents would invite people over to the house. It was not unusual to hear someone say, “Well, we’ve got to get going.” My Mom would go to one of the bedrooms and bring out all the coats. We would see everyone to the door, and the conversation would meander on for another half an hour. For a young kid, these were the visits that never seemed to end.

I’m not sure this was what was going on with Jesus and the disciples, but it definitely had that feel to it. Jesus wrapped up the conversation but realized there was much more to be said. He knew he needed to move on to what would be his final destiny in his earthly life, but he had more wisdom to impart to his followers. He also decided to stop and pray for them (and us).

In the midst of that, he admitted to the disciples that he still had a lot more to say — “more than you can now bear” (John 16:12). At that point, he reiterated to them that he would be sending the Holy Spirit — who he referred to as the Spirit of truth. That Spirit will “guide you into all the truth” (v. 13). This is a theme that runs throughout his discourse with them during the evening.

Jesus didn’t stop with the Holy Spirit, however. He went on to say the Spirit would glorify him (Jesus) by receiving the words of Jesus and making them known to the disciples. By doing so, he established the relationship between himself and the Holy Spirit. Still, there was more to come.

He said something very telling in verse fifteen: “All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” So the Holy Spirit receives from Jesus “all that belongs to the Father” because all that belongs to the Father belongs to Jesus as well. The Spirit, in turn, makes these things known to the apostles in order to glorify Jesus. What we end up with is a covenant relationship among the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are a community within themselves, but they are one God. They are independent yet interdependent.

They are, obviously, three different persons; but they are not three different Gods. The early church had no other way to describe this relationship within one God as three distinct persons in one being (or of one substance). If you understand all that, you’re doing better than most of us. The Catholic Church did the right thing when they called it the mystery of the Trinity.

One simplified way of looking at it is through the following generalization: Jesus was sent to earth to reveal God’s love for humanity and glorify the Father. Jesus left and he and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to reveal and glorify Jesus. The Holy Spirit, as we have seen, was present in the Creation with God — hovering over the waters — much like a mother hen hovers (or broods) over her chicks.

As I pointed out, this is really an over generalization. Still, it’s a handy way to remember how the three persons relate to one another (as well as to us). Trying to grasp the nature of God is no simple matter, but as we attempt to get a handle on things, we can certainly come to a better understanding.

In Creation, for example, we have seen the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have heard God (the Father) say, “Let us make human beings in our own image.” Later in the prologue to his gospel (John 1:1-18), John indicated that all things were made through Christ. All three are present, all three are Creator, and all three are in existence prior to the “beginning.”

Another piece of this amazing puzzle is the fact that we were created in God’s image. That could mean a lot of things (and surely does). But one of the distinct possibilities here is that the Triune God created triune people. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Human beings, according to the apostle Paul, are body, soul, and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

We’ve only scratched the surface of this topic, but frankly, it took the church over three hundred years to officially establish and define the doctrine of the Trinity. Obviously, the idea and concept of it had been developed long before that, but it was hazy in the minds of most Christians. If it took that long for the church to formulate it, we’re not going to do it justice in one short sermon.

It’s helpful to note that there is no singular passage of scripture that is going to, flat-out, state the doctrine at which many of us have arrived. If there was, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. You can’t point to one verse and say, “See! That proves there’s a Trinity.” While many of us accept the doctrine, there are still many people (Christians included) who wrestle with the entire concept. It’s not an easy one, to be sure.

For many, the question is not so much, “Is there a Holy Trinity?” The real question becomes, “What does that mean for us? How should this affect the way we live and respond to the living Lord?”

I think the first answer to that lays in the fact that God, within God’s self, is in a covenant relationship. It is quite obvious that the relationship among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is an extremely close one. While they seem to have different functions, they rely heavily upon one another. They are interdependent in their actions as they support one another’s roles. While the Trinity is in covenant relationship with each other, the Lord is also in covenant relationship with us.

Beginning in the book of Genesis, we see God entering into covenants with his people. Because of that, we are even known as God’s covenant people. The five major covenants of the Old Testament (Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic), along with the New Testament covenant of love, form and shape us as God’s people. As his covenant people, we share in the same love and mission as our covenant Lord.

The second effect the Trinity has on us as human beings is related to the first. The Trinity is not only in a covenant relationship, it forms a community within itself. The fellowship which exists among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a picture of what the perfect community would look like. We might not ever be able to attain that kind of community in this life, but we have an example of what it can be.

There is a repeated call to community throughout scripture. We are called to be in community with God. We see this from the beginning. Adam and Eve existed in close communion with the Lord. But it doesn’t end there. We are also called to be in community with each other.

When we read the early chapters of the book of Acts, we get a sense of what this can be like. The early Christians took their sense of community very seriously. They looked out for one another, worshiped together, and broke bread in each other’s homes. They were a force to be reckoned with because they were a force for love. Their love was generated and fulfilled as a part of a Christian community that sought after the things of God. They followed Jesus, were inspired by the Holy Spirit, and glorified their Father in heaven.

The Trinity is our best model for all that can be good within us. The Trinity gives us our potential to be people of the covenant, and harvesters in God’s vineyard. As we grasp what we can of the Trinitarian concept, let us live — body, soul, and spirit — as unto the Lord.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Watch this!: Cycle C sermons for Pentecost day through Proper 17, by Dave Zuchelli