Thoughts About the Tongue
James 3:1-12
by Staff

Some choice thoughts about the Tongue:

About Abrasive Speech
Many a blunt word has a sharp edge.
Keep your words soft and sweet; you never know when you may have to eat them.

About Gossip
Gossip is like soap mostly lye!
A gossip is just a fool with a keen sense of rumor.

About Profanity
Profanity is a public announcement of stupidity.
Swearing is a lax man's way of trying to be emphatic.

About telling the Truth
A lie is a coward's way of getting out of trouble.
Truth is as clear as a bell, but it isn't always tolled.

About Boasting
When you sing your own praise, you always get the tune too high.
Don't brag; it isn't the whistle that pulls the train.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Illustrations from ChristianGlobe, by Staff