This Road Ends in a Knothole
Mark 8:31-38
by Brett Blair

Most everyone has come to a place in life where confusion and loss of direction sets in. It usually occurs while you are in your twenties but it can occur at anytime for many different reasons. The situation resembles that of the lost traveler in the heart of the Ozark Mountains. He inquired of a native, "Am I on the road to Kansas City?" "Well," the mountain man said, "Not exactly, Bud. This road just moseys along for a piece, then it turns into a hog trail, then a squirrel track, and finally runs up a scrub pine tree and ends in a knothole."

Maybe you have been down that path, perhaps you feel like you're on that path right now. But you don't have to be. Take up your cross and walk a while with the Savior and learn what a life of service can do in ending your confusion, in getting you out of that knothole.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair