This Isn’t Heaven
John 14:1-4
by Robert Allen

There is an old story about a man who complained that he had too much work to do. He never seemed to be caught up. Every day for twenty years he looked at his desk piled high with unfinished projects ... letters to be answered ... bills to be paid ... and problems to be solved. When he walked out of the house to get away from the clutter, he saw the grass that needed to be cut and the hedges that needed to be trimmed. If he could only get caught up, just once, he thought that would be heaven.

One night he dreamed that he was in a large room with a beautiful mahogany desk before him. The desk was clean ... and bright ... and shiny. There were no letters or bills or problems waiting to be solved. Through the window he could see the lawn freshly mowed and the hedges meticulously manicured. It was a great relief. He had caught up at last and now he could enjoy some peace and quiet.

But, now he had nothing to do - nothing but to sit and stare out the window. As he was staring out the window, he noticed a postman walking down the street - but there were no letters in his bag. He called out to the postman and said, "I see you don't have anything to do either?"

"Nope," the postman said, "not a thing."

"I don't know," the man said, "if I like a heaven where there's nothing to do."

"Don't you know?" the postman asked. "This isn't heaven, my friend, this is hell!"

CSS Publishing Company, Inc. , The Greatest Passages of the Bible, by Robert Allen