They Watched Him
Luke 14:1-14
by Wallace H. Kirby

These "watching" people hoped that they could discredit Jesus so that his influence would falter. They watched, hoping that he might say the wrong word like politicians, whose careless words are used against them. They watched, perhaps thinking they could catch him in a compromising situation. Or perhaps they wanted to find some glaring insincerity so that people might begin to wonder if he really believed and followed his own message. A noted TV religious personality is reported to have purchased a $449,000 home in addition to a new Mercedes-Benz and a Rolls-Royce. When asked about this discrepancy of message and life-style, he said that he and his wife "just had to have a little place of our own." Jesus’ watchers wanted to uncover something like that; with it they could deflate the disturbing attractions of this prophet from Nazareth.

CSS Publishing Company, If Only..., by Wallace H. Kirby