They Cast Their Nets In Galilee
Matthew 4:12-23
by William A. Pierce

A poem of repentance and discipleship:

They cast their nets in Galilee,
just off the hills of brown;
Such happy simple fisher folk,
before the Lord came down,
Before the Lord came down.

Contented, peaceful fishermen,
before they ever knew
The peace of God that filled their hearts
Brimful, and broke them too,
brimful and broke them too.

Young John, who trimmed the flapping sail,
Homeless in Patmos died.
Peter, who hauled the teeming net,
Head down was crucified,
head down was crucified.

The peace of God is no peace,
but strife closed in the sod.
Yet, let us pray for but one thing:
The marvelous peace of God,
the marvelous peace of God.

by William A. Pierce