There Is No Point
by Maxie Dunnam

In the play, "Cold Storage," Joseph Parmigian struggled with a terminal illness that made him feel helpless and hopeless.  In one of his many discussions with a Jewish art dealer named Landau, he asked, “What is the secret of the universe?”  This was his response:

“The point is there is no point, and that my Jewish friend is the secret of the universe.  I, Joseph Parmigian, have solved the problem five thousand rabbis with five thousand beards working five thousand years could never solve.  There is no point."

You may not be sick with a terminal illness, but you feel there is no point.  You've lost a husband, or a wife.  You've gone through a painful divorce that left you lifeless and alone.  You're 45 now and are stuck in a job you hate. 

If you're at the point of feeling there is no point, I believe you're at the point of receiving what we all most desperately need. 

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam