There Are No Magic Capes
Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
by David E. Leininger

There is an old Peanuts cartoon - Snoopy sitting on top of his dog house when Charlie Brown comes with a note. Charlie says, "It's a letter from your brother Spike." He begins to read, " Dear Snoopy, something wonderful happened...a man came by here and offered to sell me a magic cape. He told me that if I wore this magic cape I would be transported to a land of paradise. He said the cape was on sale...not wanting to miss such a bargain I gave him my only dollar. The next panel shows Spike in a desert contemplating his environment. Then we switch back to Charlie reading to Snoopy: "So by the time you get this letter I'll be living in paradise." Then Spike is pictured again on the desert floor among the cactus, cape draped over his shoulders, saying, "Then again, maybe I've been had."

Too many people have been had. There are no magic capes. There is no one key that will guarantee happiness. In fact, that old aphorism about death and taxes being the only things we can count on would seem to insure UNhappiness.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by David E. Leininger