The Willingness to Prepare
Mt 25:1-13
by King Duncan

In 1976, Indiana University's basketball team was undefeated throughout the regular season and captured the NCAA National Championship. Controversial and colorful coach Bobby Knight led them to that championship. Shortly afterwards, Coach Knight was interviewed on the television show "60 Minutes." The commentator asked him, "Why is it, Bobby, that your basketball teams at Indiana are always so successful? Is it the will to succeed?"

"The will to succeed is important," replied Bobby Knight, "but I'll tell you what's more important, it's the will to prepare. It's the will to go out there every day training and building those muscles and sharpening those skills!"  No wonder Bobby Knight has been so successful as a coach.

Another famous coach believed the same thing. Fielding Yost was the football coach at the University of Michigan. A player once assured Coach Yost that their team was sure to win on Saturday because the players had "the will to win." Yost answered: "Don't fool yourself. The will to win is not worth a plugged nickel unless you have the will to prepare." That is true. Whether we are talking about sports, or education or science or business or any worthwhile endeavor in life, success goes to the person who has the will to prepare!

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan