The Uniformed Doorman
Mt 23:1-12
by King Duncan

American Humorist Robert Benchley was leaving an elegant salon one evening. As usual he had imbibed excessively. He found himself face to face with a uniformed man whom he took to be the doorman. "Would you get me a taxi, my good man?" he requested. The uniformed man drew himself up proudly. "See here, I happen to be a rear admiral in the United States Navy." Benchley said belligerently, "Just get me a battleship then." In Benchley's condition the plumage of the admiralty was no different than that of a doorman.

Uniforms are important to us, aren't they? Listen as Jesus describes the uniforms of the Pharisees: "They act holy by wearing on their arms large prayer boxes with Scripture verses inside, and by lengthening the memorial fringes on their robes!" (LIVING BIBLE) "They love to sit in places of honor at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues. And they like to be called, Teacher, Teacher." (paraphrase)

In other words the Pharisees were just like us.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan