The Tiniest Hinges
Mark 1:1-8
by John A. Stroman

Experiences have the effect of changing the direction of our lives. These experiences are so casual they are frightening. They are critical experiences because they are life-changing. Albert Schweitzer casually walked into a library and sat down at a table to study. He picked up a magazine that someone had failed to return to the rack. It was a publication of the London Missionary Society. As he thumbed through it, an article about African missions caught his eye. That article changed the direction of his life. He could have been a great organist, performing in the world's most renowned concert halls, or a medical doctor, working in the great research centers of the world. Instead, he would spend the rest of his life in Lambarene, Africa, as a Christian missionary, all because of a casual visit to a library. Some of the weightiest decisions of our lives can turn on the tiniest of hinges.

CSS Publishing Company, God’s Downward Mobility, by John A. Stroman