The Time of Preparation and the Time of Fulfillment
Matthew 11:2-12
by Mark Trotter

Hugh Redwood was a British journalist. He described a time when he was under a terrific strain and pressure because of terrible decisions that he had to make. He didn't want to make them. He didn't know which way to turn. One day he was invited to give a speech in another town. His host arranged a little reception before the event in his house so that he could meet some people. During the reception the host said, "You look weary and tired. Would you like to escape from all of this chatter and be by yourself?" He said, "Yes."

He was taken upstairs to a sitting room, where there was a fire in the fireplace and an easy chair pulled up to the fire. He sat down. Then he noticed at his elbow a little table next to the chair, with a Bible opened to the 59th psalm, where there is a verse that reads, in the King James version, "The God of my mercy shall prevent me..." In the old King James English, "prevent" means "go before." Hugh Redwood said that somebody had written in the margin after that verse this paraphrase: "My God in his loving kindness shall meet me at every corner."

Redwood said that was like light shining in the darkness of his life, and he was encouraged to go on, confident that God is at work, preveniently, even when we are not aware of it. Which is why we are asked to wait, be patient, have hope. Because there are only two kinds of time: the time of preparation, and the time of fulfillment.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Mark Trotter