When you drive east on I-40 through the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina, you pass through two tunnels. Each is about ½ mile long, right through the side of mountains. I’m always awed by the brilliance of the engineers who designed those tunnels. How were they carved out of the solid rock? I’m sure that dynamite was the key. Sticks of dynamite were well placed and then ignited by some sort of fuse. The fuse was necessary but it was not the source of power. The power came from the nitroglycerin in that dynamite. The fuse just ignited it.
Similarly, God’s power is like that dynamite that moves mountains. Our faith is just the fuse that ignites it. The size of the fuse doesn’t matter. Neither is the size of our faith a critical factor. Even a tiny bit of faith that we act on is enough to activate God’s power.