The Source of Thanksgiving
Lk 17:11-19; Mt 6:25-33
by Brett Blair

Remember that wonderful Children's holiday classic "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." You'll recall in the story how the Grinch enters all the homes by way of their chimneys disguised as Santa Clause. He takes all the presents and ornaments, the trees and stockings, and even their food down to the last morsel. He drags his loot up to his mountain and then looks down upon Whoville with a sinister grin. He is listening for the cries and wailings of the people to start as they wake up on Christmas morning to discover a Christmas lost. What he hears instead surprises him. Up from the town of the Whos comes a joyful Christmas carol. They are singing. "Why?" he asks. It is because, he learns, Christmas resides not in things but in the heart which is thankful. He could not steal their gratitude.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair