The Small Gems in Life
Mark 4:26-29
by Lori Best Sawdon

In a baccalaureate address at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, Bill Moyers told the Jewish tale about Shalom Aleichem, a Job-like figure who experienced every misfortune imaginable, but nevertheless went about his life returning good for evil. His reputation for goodness was so hailed in heaven that when he arrived there all the angels and the Lord were present to greet him. Shalom was told that whatever he might wish for would be granted him. All he wanted was that every day in heaven begins with a hot buttered roll. The angels and even the Lord wept at the beauty of the simple thing he requested.

A buttered roll, a clean bed, a beautiful summer day, someone to love and be loved by. These simple things supply joy and meaning on this earthly journey. We might call them nano-treasures. They are the small gems in life which are rich with meaning.

In another story, there was a Buddhist monk who was visiting New York. He was told by his Western host that they could save ten minutes by making a complex transfer in the subway at Grand Central Station. When they emerged from the underground in Central Park, the monk sat down on a bench. His host wanted to know what he was doing. "I thought we should enjoy the ten minutes," the monk replied.

How long has it been since we have stopped for ten minutes simply to be, to observe our surroundings, to wonder at the world around us, to enjoy the time we have? It is not a very long time, but it is enough time to ponder the simple treasures that enrich our lives and fill them with meaning and joy.

May we delight in the nano-things, the small parts, the simple treasures of life.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc, Treasure Island: Simple Treasures, by Lori Best Sawdon