The Sheep and the Goats - Sermon Starter
Matthew 25:31-46
by Brett Blair

Like it or not, judgment is a fact of life. That is true whether we are talking about the histories of nations or the events of our own personal life. If we break the law, then society will judge us. If we live immorally drink too much, engage in sexual promiscuity, live a lifestyle of constant stress then our bodies will judge us. We simply cannot escape judgment in life.

Jesus rarely spoke about the final judgment, but on one occasion he did paint a picture for us in one of his stories. The parable that I just read gives a strong jolt to those who are heavy on doctrine but short on ethics.

A shepherd divides the sheep from the goats, said Jesus, so too shall there be a great division on the final day. Those on the right hand will be allowed entrance into the kingdom, while those on the left will be denied it. And the great surprise is that those who thought they were religious turn out to be not as good as they thought, and those who thought they failed were told they did a better job then they supposed.

I would like to suggest three points that this parable is attempting to make this morning…

  1. We Are to View Each Individual as if They Are Christ.
  2. The End Criteria Will Be Simple Acts of Kindness.
  3. We Are Judged by the Good We Do Not Do. 
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair