The Seeds of Discouragement
Luke 17:11-19
by Keith Wagner

An old legend tells how a man once stumbled upon a great red barn after wandering for days in a forest in the dark.  He was seeking refuge from the howling winds of a storm. He entered the barn and his eyes grew accustomed to the dark.  To his astonishment, he discovered that this was the barn where the devil kept his storehouse of seeds.  They were the seeds that were sown in the hearts of humans.  The man became curious and lit a match. He began exploring the piles of bins of seeds round him.  He couldn't help but notice that the greatest majority of them said, "Seeds of Discouragement."

About that time one of the devil's helpers arrived to pick up a load of seeds.  The man asked him, "Why the abundance of discouragement seeds?"  The helper laughed and replied, "Because they are so effective and they take root so quickly."  "Do they grow everywhere?" the man asked. At that moment the devil's helper became very sullen.  He glared at the man and in disgust he said, "No. They never seem to grow in the heart of a grateful person."

But Are We Grateful?, by Keith Wagner