The Road to Holiness
Mark 1:9-13
by Brian Stoffregen

A seeker after truth came to a saint for guidance.

"Tell me, wise one, how did you become holy?"

"Two words."

"And what are they, please?"

"Right choices."

The seeker was fascinated. "How does one learn to choose rightly?"

"One word."

"One word! May I have it, please?" the seeker asked.


The seeker was thrilled. "How does one grow?"

"Two words."

"What are they, pray tell?"

"Wrong choices."

I believe that this is God's purpose in times of testing, to help us grow and to show us that we have the faith and ability to stand up to the testing so that we will trust God in difficult times to strengthen our faith and Christian character. At the same time, Satan has his own purpose to turn those being tested away from God to "tempt" them to sin.

Exegetical Notes, by Brian Stoffregen