The Real Thing
Humor Illustration
by Editor James S. Hewett

A man had to fill in at the last minute for Billy Graham who was scheduled to preach in a big old church. He was a bit overwhelmed by the enormity of such a substitution. As he was sitting and thinking about playing this role he thought of a way to tie into the situation. So, as he got up to speak he alluded to his problem of having to substitute for such a celebrated preacher. He pointed out, "As I was sitting here I looked up at your large stained glass window and I noticed that one of the small sections of glass is broken out and a piece of cardboard has been substituted. I'm like that bit of cardboard. Not the real thing, but better than nothing." Then he launched into his sermon.

At the close of the service he was greeting people at the door. One little old lady came up to him and said, "Preacher, I just wanted you to know that you mustn't see yourself as a cardboard substitute. You're a real pane!"

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett