The Putt’s Good
Matthew 22:15-22
by King Duncan

A prominent citizen of Washington, D. C. once invited President John F. Kennedy to play golf. On the first hole Kennedy floated a nice shot about three feet from the pin. He walked up to the ball and glanced over at the man who had invited him. Kennedy was looking for the man to concede him the putt. The man ignored him, and stared up at the sky.

"You're certainly going to give me this putt, aren't you?" Kennedy asked.

"Make a pass at it," the man replied. "I want to see your stroke. A putt like that builds character. Besides, it will give you a little feel for the greens."

With an anguished look, Kennedy said, "I work in the Oval Office all day for citizens like you," he said. "And now you're not going to give me this putt?" The man said nothing. "O.K," Kennedy sighed. "But let's keep moving. I've got an appointment after we finish with the director of Internal Revenue."

"The putt's good," the man said hastily. "Pick it up."

We have to tell jokes on the IRS, to keep from crying. After all, the two inevitable events in this world are death and taxes. As one wag said, "At least death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan